Monday, 3 January 2011

Three days in...

and the creative juices haven't stopped flowing yet! Project "1" continues to gather pace and I now have a little side project planned as well. The basic premise remains but with a little twist...

In the meantime here are the first batch of pics from project "1". The main idea behind all of this is that from a certain date 1.1.11 (I guess this date is sorta palindromic given that you can read it in any direction at all...), I will be be taking one picture every day for one year. Each image will be very different with the main rule being that other than one shot each day for one year there are no rules. Working on the principle extolled by Chase Jarvis that the best camera is the one you have you they will be taken on whatever I have to hand. It maybe a high end DSLR with studio lighting or an iPhone or whatever - a pin-hole camera if that is all I can make! When I am inspired or my vision hits me that is the moment to strike! I cannot guarantee a great or world-changing image every day but what I can promise is a deeply personal look at a small chunk of the world. People or places that I love, things that tickle me, things that enrage or disgust me. Seemingly small or insignificant things or epic world events. I hope to encompass all of these and so much more than this. It will become a narrative on the coming twelve months - something to enjoy as a process - after all the best part of anything is the journey - but hopefully also something to appreciate reflectively.

The end product  - to be completed in January 2012 will be a short movie (6 minutes and 5 secs) of the images interspersed together. At this stage I have no idea how it will turn out - I hope it will be fascinating. If you want to be part of project "1" then let me know. I have another 362 images to take so plenty of room to squeeze you all in!

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