Very exciting news now - I am working this weekend! Not work work but fun work! I am doing a small maternity shoot for some very good friends and I am really psyched about it. I have some fun and quirky ideas that I hope they will want to try out as well as some more traditional shots. However it turns out I hope to be able to supply them with a set of images which they will be able to treasure and will be an important part of the special memories they have of this exciting time.
I remember the birth of my own little bundle of joy and all of the emotions that were running through us at the time. I also know that it is such a mad busy time that you forget such a lot of what happens in the blur of sleepless nights. In fact it was my own son who spurred me onto taking the photography thing that much more seriously so I could capture some memories of my own.
Well, off to start prepping. Batteries to charge and lighting to check.